英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:24:25

shove off

英 [ʃʌv ɔf]

美 [ʃʌv ɔf]

动身; 离开; 将(船)推离岸边
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. leave
informal or rude

e.g. shove off!
The children shoved along
Blow now!

Synonym: shove alongblow

1. 开船:Shouting 大喊大叫 | shove off 开船 | shove

2. 撑开:shouldering 肩 | Shove off! 撑开! | shove

3. 动身离开:1105shoven. 推,挤; v. 推挤,放置,撞 | 1106shove off动身,离开 | 1107shrubn. 灌木

4. 把船撑开; [美俚]乘船离开; 分别, 走掉:shove in 推进 | shove off 把船撑开; [美俚]乘船离开; 分别, 走掉 | shove on 推着往前走

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I am sick of this place, let's shove off.(我讨厌这个地方,我们离开吧。)
As she watched her husband shove off on the ship bound for another country she shuddered because she knew it would be many years before she would see him again.(看着丈夫动身上了去国外的船,她感到一阵战栗,因为她知道他这一去要许多年之后她才能再见到他。)
China will shove Germany off its pedestal as the world's biggest exporter.(中国将会挤掉德国一举成为世界上的最大出口国。)
Will you please just shove off!(请你离开好吧!)
You aren't wanted here, so shove off.(这儿不需要你,走开!)
He pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole.(他用篙一点就把船撑开了。)
Barmaid: (Takes off apron and throws it at him) Yeah, we're hiring! You can take my job and shove it, loser!(酒吧女侍应生:(除下围裙并掷向他)对,我们会请人!你可以取代我的工作,滚开,失败者!)
Juliet said back to Romeo, Why don't you just shove off If it bothers you so much.(“朱丽叶回罗密欧说:”如果它带给你这么多困扰,为什么不推开。)
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